kings college

Eteron launches partnership with King’s College


Eteron – Institute for Research and Social Change is entering into a partnership with the British University of King’s College London, as part of its efforts to expand its network in Europe and to actively support synergies between civil society and academic institutions between Greece and Great Britain.

This collaboration with one of the most renowned academic institutions in the UK for their research activities, aims at developing and conducting social research in Greece. The collaboration between Eteron and King’s College also seeks to encourage the development of closer relations between the Greek and British academic communities, thus paving the way for collaborations in new areas of research.

ENA – Institute for Alternative Policies will also be participating in the research that will be carried out in the near future, acting in an advisory role.

Georgios Samaras, Assistant Professor of Public Policy at King’s College and principal researcher of the project, comments on the collaboration between the two institutions that “new research paths are being established between the two sides at a historic juncture. Eteron’s opening to international collaborations will allow King’s College to engage more closely with Greek institutions for the first time in its history and to jointly research issues of public opinion and political ideology.”

For his part, Eteron’s Director, Christos Papagiannis, underlines the fact that “this collaboration is a milestone for the Greek context, as apart from the reliability of a leading educational institution, it also promotes a culture of openness, cooperation and the fruitful exchange of ideas, methods and research findings”.  

Nikos Erinakis, Director of Research at ENA and Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Crete, points out that “given the great challenges of our time, we must aim at scientifically creative and socially fruitful collaborations with a view to developing and implementing innovative socio-political ideas and practices – this collaboration is a prime example in this direction”.

Dimitris Rapidis, research coordinator on behalf of Eteron, adds that “in an international environment filled with challenges in the field of social research, the collaboration between Eteron and King’s College opens up new fields of action for both institutions and proves that collaboration between visionary people, wherever they may be located geographically, is a driver for major projects with a broad social footprint”.


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