PROJECT: Gen Z | Voice On

PROJECT: Gen Z | Voice On

Project: Gen Z | Voice On

Eteron Research: Gen Zers in Greece claim their own voice

What do young people up to 25 years old think regarding issues that were central to the public discourse in the past two years? Which social media platforms do they use the most? Which are their information sources of choice and how do they form their political views? What do they think regarding misinformation and how easily do they fall victims to fake news? Do they plan on voting in the next elections? The quantitative research commissioned by Eteron – Institute for Research and Social Change intends to find the answers to these questions.

It is the first research in Greece that highlights those specific topics focusing exclusively on the age group 16-25 years old, that is on people belonging to Generation Z or Gen Z for short.

This research is part of the Gen Z︱Voice On project.

It was conducted across the country in December 2021 by aboutpeople. The questionnaire, presentation and findings’ analysis was performed by a three people research team, consisting of Anastasia Veneti, Associate Professor at Bournemouth University (UK), Stamatis Poulakidakos, Assistant Professor at the University of Western Macedonia and Alexandros Minotakis, Doctoral candidate at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Regarding the research’s conclusions on Gen Z in Greece, the research group stated:

“Among the research’s most significant findings is the imprint of a generation that seems to be interested in politics, develops a repertoire of actions that isn’t just online, they are concerned regarding future developments and worry about the pandemic. At the same time, it’s a generation that spends several hours online, has a cautious trust towards the digital sphere and has grown apart from traditional media. Among other things, we noticed a “critical” disposition towards informational content, that is probably affected by the distrust towards modern societies’ core institutions, including media.”

In the coming weeks we will be hosting on our website articles commenting on the research’s findings, and also we will take networking initiatives in order to start a wider discussion on Generation Z in Greece as well as on a global scale. Additionally, we plan to discuss the findings of the present research with Gen Zers themselves, in order to enrich and broaden our understanding but also to re-evaluate our methodology.

Read the research report [pdf,summary].


We believe that all research is open to different interpretations. This is why on Eteron’s website you will find:

Yiannis Balabanidis’ analysis “OK, zoomer”. In search of Gen Z’s multiple identities

Athina Karatzogianni’s analysis “Towards Generation Alpha”






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